
The Best Thanksgiving Ever

With grief and gratitude pulling our hearts in opposite directions, “hit pause” this Thanksgiving. Recognize the losses you have faced through Covid-19 and the gifts that have emerged. Inventory your heart. Do this alone. Or take the …

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Acts 1:8 – Do you know it to be true?

Made in the image of God, we “feel,” “think,” and “act.” All three are critical to life and Kingdom work. Depending on personality and influences, we tend to have a bias toward one of these three, although …

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Are You Battle Ready?

Questions of any kind, but especially good questions, are an underused tool for growth. A good question, the kind that makes us think, squirm, and hit pause, places us squarely before the face of God. Are you …

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Catch Your Breath

Catch Your Breath – A Rest That WorksTuesday, October 6 It has been a time of innovation, heartache, and overload for leaders, teams and individuals. We have been pouring our best into people, projects, and new programs …

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3 Questions for Today

Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India who was born in 1867 and died in 1951, has insights for us today. God won’t waste our time.He won’t waste our talents.He won’t waste our pain. Covid-19 is revealing an …

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A Stance of Stillness

The majesty of God is revealed when we step outside. But unless we take a stance of stillness, much is missed in the blur of motion and commotion. When we pause, quiet and still – we notice … …

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Soul Repair Begins in the Hands of God

Soul repair begins in the hands of God. Two characters from the Mandarin language reminded me of this truth, thanks to a devotion book I am enjoying with two of my sons right now, Noah and Joshua. …

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Hard Happens

Hard happens. When it does, it’s important to pause. Jesus did. When he got word of his cousin’s death, Jesus took off to be alone – to be quiet and alone. When Jesus heard what had happened, …

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