
Summer is Here!

By Brenda Jank For some, summer can be a time to hit pause, catch our breath, and survey the inner chambers of our hearts.  To set the stage for a deep dive and great joy, we are …

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A Well-Rested New Year

By Michelle Hoffschneider As we say goodbye to the challenges of the past year, it’s time to pause, reflect, and start the New Year rejuvenated. At RHRW we truly understand the significance of both work and rest. …

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Snowfall Pause

By Emily Vandyke “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”Psalm 46:10 The first snowfall of the year is nothing short of magical:  …

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Fine Line

“Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.” – Author Unknown There is a fine line between what I can do and what I should do. This is especially true when I am operating in the “red …

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The Art of Doing Nothing

by Michelle Hoffschneider Time is the most precious and overdrawn resource we all have. We are constantly deciding how to use it best with schedules and plans. With new modern distractions, sleep, stillness, solitude, and sabbath can …

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Red Flags

By Emily VanDyke This past Saturday, I spent 40 minutes looking for my phone. It was early as I was getting ready to head to a local coffee shop for some much needed quiet. I was desperately …

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A Face to Face Thank You

by Brenda Jank We have 4 days this week, Thursday through Sunday, that often take us “off the beaten path.”For some … It is the launch into the mad dash toward Christmas. It requires travel – and …

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Focus Brings Freedom

Limits and limitations. These 2 words have always made me cringe. I remember, in vivid detail, our journey home after an emergency diagnostic ultrasound of our 7 month old yet-to-be-born-son. The mass on his tiny back told …

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Soul Shaping Gifts

  COVID has brought loss and tragedy, but through some of our forced stops, new treasures have emerged.   Ayanna Jackson is a High School Senior. During her Sophomore year, when Covid shut down schools, she asked her mom …

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Courage for 2022

This past week, someone “double-dog” dared me. It made me laugh out loud and brought back childhood memories. Can I double-dog dare you as we approach the threshold of a New Year? Like last year, Covid-19 will …

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