Focus Brings Freedom

By Brenda Jank

Limits and limitations. These 2 words have always made me cringe.

I remember, in vivid detail, our journey home after an emergency diagnostic ultrasound of our 7 month old yet-to-be-born-son. The mass on his tiny back told the doctor our son would be born with Spina Bifida.

I wept on that 50-minute ride home. Tim was silent. There were no words, only racing thoughts and constant prayers. We paused from the madness, however. Our son needed a name for the hundreds of people who would soon be praying for him. It only took us minutes tooling down Rt. 33 in northern Indiana.

Joseph. The Joseph of the Old Testament knew a life of heartache, pain and upheaval, yet lived every day honoring God. Isaac. Sarah laughed when she heard news of the miracle to come. She laughed from a place of skepticism. We anticipated laughing from a place of unbridled celebration – someday.

Joseph Isaac. But the tears began to fall again instantly. 

All I could think of was everything – every, single, stinking thing my son, whose legs and body would face a host of limitations, would never do. 

Based on the location of the spinal cord injury, the doctors told us that Joseph Isaac would never run. He would never walk unaided. Or skip. Or dance. He would never climb a tree. Carry his bride over the threshold. Walk his daughter down the aisle. Chase the waves, or dogs, or balls, or lightning bugs. 

Limitations. It’s a painful word. What are your limitations? Can you name them?

Afraid of heights, dogs, flying, public speaking?
Are you facing limits on your income, passion, joy?

What about energy? Or time? Do you acknowledge that these are limited commodities? 
Or do you defy this reality at every turn?

Right now, the Run Hard. Rest Well. team is gearing up for an exciting 2022-2023 calendar year. To have the time, energy, and capacity to do what we need to do, we may be posting a little less often in the weeks ahead or reposting a few favorite quotes and photos—but we will be back!

As a team, we are learning that Focus Brings Freedom—freedom from overload and energy for what is most important.

Pray for us. We pray for you!

Question for Today 
Because there are limits on our time and energy, where might “focus bring freedom” for you from the vice grip of overload.

First time here?

6 thoughts on “Focus Brings Freedom”

  1. As we anticipate the arrival of another grandchild I too pray that he is healthy, and will be happy for the rest of his life regardless of what he accomplishes … he has no limitations. God bless.

  2. Brenda and crew, I am praying now for The Lord to clarify your focus, for restoration in any areas you and your staff need. I think God That people are more and more receptive to your message about rhythms of rest and work,and pray that translates into, and multiplies your support.

    Blessings, Tami


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