Summer is Here!

By Brenda Jank

For some, summer can be a time to hit pause, catch our breath, and survey the inner chambers of our hearts. 

To set the stage for a deep dive and great joy, we are going to revisit the fundamentals of Restorative Wellness, which Run Hard. Rest Well. is so passionate about … every Tuesday. (The Wednesday blog post is moving to Tuesday!)

Invite your friends to join the journey. They won’t be disappointed.

To start us off on the right foot, visit our 90-second introduction called “Life by God’s Design.” 

With eyes on Jesus …

Run hard … 
Break a sweat. What you do makes a difference!

Rest well … 
Rest in a way that honors our Father, feeds our soul, and fuels our very best GO.

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Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team. are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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