
Just for You

By Brenda Jank Living with 4 brothers and all the realities that brings, my 3-year-old daughter, Anna, laid claim to a small but important joy in her life, the color pink! I will never forget stepping into …

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Gifts Galore

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

Christmas Light

by Brenda Jank I thought I could navigate a dark room successfully to retrieve my ½ full coffee cup.I was wrong.The mess I had to clean up was not fun.Light makes all the difference.I chose the dark …

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By Brenda Jank Hope is a precious, priceless gift each Christmas. For some of us, hope is running low this season.  To shine a light on God’s gift of Hope for each of us this Christmas, think …

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Game Changing Advancement

by Brenda Jank With glorious clarity – Champion Rest. Equip Leaders. Transform Lives. – our tag line from the moment GO, is energizing us even more today as we embrace the call and work before us. Why? We …

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Simple Summer Joys

Originally published in June 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day!  Ready for summer?  It’s here – with an invitation to things we often neglect. I’ve got 2 “assignments” for you today. One. If you’ve …

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Courage for 2022

This past week, someone “double-dog” dared me. It made me laugh out loud and brought back childhood memories. Can I double-dog dare you as we approach the threshold of a New Year? Like last year, Covid-19 will …

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Simple Summer Joy[s]

by Brenda Jank Ready for summer?  It’s here – with an invitation to things we often neglect. I’ve got 2 “assignments” for you today. One. If you’ve got 10 free minutes and want to challenge your core …

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BEST Christmas Ever

Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic? Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers. List 3 Christmas things that give you great …

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