
By Brenda Jank

Hope is a precious, priceless gift each Christmas.
For some of us, hope is running low this season. 
To shine a light on God’s gift of Hope for each of us this Christmas, think on these 3 things: Hope’s Definition. Repent. Repeat.
Hope’s Definition
The definition of Christmas Hope: Anticipating the next good gift God has planned for me.
Whether it’s on my wish list or not, we love and serve the One who gives good gifts. 
Can I trust Him on this, no matter how it might come packaged?
Let Christmas be a time of repentance. 
Inventory your heart. Examine it. Soften it – as you make your way to the manager. 
Repent of the times you graded God on how He performed in your life based on your standards, not His.
Make Romans 15:13 your Christmas prayer.
God of Hope! 
Fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in You,
so that I may overflow with hope this Christmas 
by the Power of Your Holy Spirit.  Amen.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Reminds me of my favorite lines from Joy to the World.
Repeat the sounding joyRepeat the sounding joyRepeat, repeat, the sounding joy!
Take This to Heart
The definition of Christmas Hope: Anticipating the next good gift God has planned for me.
Can you wait on Him this Christmas in great expectation?!
PS. Thanks Pastor Bill Mueller! Your sermon on Sunday gave me the gift of this Christmas Devotional thought. Onward!

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at www.RunHardRestWell.org. Contact us at: brenda@runhardrestwell.org

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