Run the Race

Create a Soul Satisfying Summer Break for Your Kids

When school is out, there is new found freedom, as well as boredom. New parenting struggles emerge. Trying to keep your child(ren) entertained until August can feel overwhelming, especially when your to-do list weighs heavily on your …

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Raising Rebels

Do you want to raise a rebel? How about a small army of rebels! I do. Can you imagine the IMPACT of –   Kids unafraid to welcome people who do not mirror their looks, abilities, or priorities. …

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Boots on the Ground

We need your help! We need boots on the ground. We need an army of people committed to impacting teens and families THIS FALL in 300 churches and schools. Are you up for the challenge? Run the …

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Covid Comeback

After 12-months of writing, partnering, piloting, filming, editing, and praying every step of the way, the first video of Run the Race is ready for you to watch. Please! Let us know what you think and feel …

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