Do you want to raise a rebel? How about a small army of rebels!
I do.
Can you imagine the IMPACT of –
- Kids unafraid to welcome people who do not mirror their looks, abilities, or priorities.
- Kids unafraid to work hard.
- Kids unafraid to embrace a radical relationship with Jesus – a relationship that invites God to do a work in them and through them that will change the course of history through the power of love.
- Kids unafraid to take off their masks, get outside, ask for help, learn to love, and prioritize a rest that truly refills their buckets and positions them to thrive.
They might just change our world, and invite adults to do the same!
Are you a parent, grandparent, homeschooler, teacher, youth leader, Rebel Rouser?
The job of “Raising Rebels” is a tall order, but we are not alone and God makes a way.
It begins with good conversations and great questions. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 points the way.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Would you like to start some amazing conversations?
RHRW offers rebel raising material through a 6-part video series called Run the Race. The focus of Run the Race is to provide great conversations-starting-questions-and-content for 6-12th grade students and the adults in their lives.
For as little as $39 for families and $149 for churches and Christian Schools, you can join the Rebel Raising Team. If a scholarship would be helpful, let us know.
To get a glimpse, check out Video One: The Power of Pit Stops – a 10-minute investment of your time. Better yet, grab your favorite kid or 2 and watch it together. Hit pause with every question and let the conversations begin! (Feel free to simply watch one segment at a time and explore the question. Pick up where you left off the next day!)
If a Public School version is the best fit for your Rebels-in-the-making, watch it here.
While at a National School Administer Conference in Florida last month, a school administrator came up to me and said, “Brenda, Run Hard. Rest Well. is a hero to our students. They love Run the Race! The conversations we are having are truly amazing. We would like to include Run the Race in our faith-based health curriculum. Do you think you can have thirty-six 45-minute lessons ready for us by next fall!”
Any questions?
Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well. team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:
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