
Do What Jesus Did

We can learn a lot from Jesus as we step into this new year. We have heard of WWJD – what would Jesus do – but as 2022 launches, let’s encourage each other to DO what Jesus …

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Courage for 2022

This past week, someone “double-dog” dared me. It made me laugh out loud and brought back childhood memories. Can I double-dog dare you as we approach the threshold of a New Year? Like last year, Covid-19 will …

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COVID Fatigue: The Sprint is Now a Marathon

As we begin to approach 2022, the impact of our global pandemic is far from over. We are all too familiar with: Shutdown. Fear. Illness. Isolation. Unemployment. Work-from-home. School-free-fall. Newsfeeds. Death. Supply Chain Melt Down. Overtime. Overload. …

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Sleep: A Holy Ending to a Busy Day

The following is taken from portions of  Tessa Thompson’s blog post Go to Bed for the Glory of God. It is an excellent read!   Sometimes, one of the hardest decisions of the day is when to end …

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Simple Summer Joy[s]

by Brenda Jank Ready for summer?  It’s here – with an invitation to things we often neglect. I’ve got 2 “assignments” for you today. One. If you’ve got 10 free minutes and want to challenge your core …

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