
Summer is Here!

By Brenda Jank For some, summer can be a time to hit pause, catch our breath, and survey the inner chambers of our hearts.  To set the stage for a deep dive and great joy, we are …

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This Side of Gone

By Brenda Jank This side of gone – my side – stinks and is harder than heck. Our son, Joshua*, died 5 months ago. Josh’s side of gone, is literally out of this world. It is fabulous and …

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Shaking Things Up

By Joel Hoffschneider If your employer comes into the office and announces…‘We are going to shake things up, emergency meeting at 11:30 …’ it’s probably scary.  If the doctor tells you that the medicine you have been …

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Perchance to Dream

by Joel Hoffschneider “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for …

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Fully Present

By Michelle Hoffschneider Time is one of the most valuable resources we experience as humans. So why do we waste so much time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? How can we hold space in the …

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Bring Back the Joy!

Join us again as we come together for Bring Back the Joy this year! Wednesday, November 29th 2023 – 7:00 – 7:45pm ET Immerse yourself in the Advent season with our FREE women’s webinar. Bring Back the …

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I Declare

Hey my friends, this 125-word declaration has the power to change your life and the lives of those you love. Consider reading it through twice. First, silently and then again out-loud.       I will work …

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Formula of Change

D x V x FS > R is the Formula of Change and it has grabbed my attention. In my RHRW journey, I have been a student of change. Change is some of the hardest work of …

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Sing a New Song

By Joel Hoffschneider “But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.” – John 17:13 Driving somewhere, thinking of nothing in particular, …

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