Perchance to Dream

by Joel Hoffschneider

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be as well.” John 14:2-6

Hamlet spoke these powerful words regarding the mystery and finality of death. He said, “To sleep; perchance to dream: ay there’s the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come?”

My brother Charlie was born both profoundly handicapped and suffering from Cerebral Palsy.
Being 5 and 6, my brother Jon and I were naturally very inquisitive when first meeting him at his group home. I distinctly remember asking once if Charlie ever wondered about Heaven. To which my Mother replied, ‘I don’t know, but you can imagine for him.’
And so I did, alot! In fact, all of my daydreams included him.

Those daydreams always involved my brother Charlie getting to do all the things he never did on earth…Run, Talk, Hug someone. As years went by, I slowly added others who have passed away; my brother Fred, friends and relatives, eventually both of my parents. At this point in my life, I have a deep, powerful, and intensely personal vision of Heaven. 

The idea of imagining what Heaven will be like can create some theological challenges. Yet, after reading the words that Jesus spoke, it is hard not to wonder. Christians know Heaven will be much more than mere sleep. It will unite us with Abba Father who will welcome us into the joy of our Master, a place that Jesus promised will be just as special as you are. 

Perchance to dream, for in dreaming we free our hearts to hope fearlessly. In that bold hope, we discover a Joy that passes all understanding. And, most perfectly, in Christ there is no “Rub,” for Grace has smoothed it all away.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the Gift and the Giver. We thank you for the gift of eternal life and humbly offer praise for your Son who died to make that possible. We ask you to be the Lord of all our temporal and eternal dreams so that our life’s journey may be a joyful one.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team. are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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4 thoughts on “Perchance to Dream”

  1. Joel H

    Your devotion was expertly done. I loved it. You have talent that excites because it imagines what could be, going from the known to the unknown.
    I hope Brenda and team will encourage your writing. “Love the Lord with all your mind.”

    May I enclose a poem for you in which I tried to do the same in my own way.?

    Orville Jank, Brennda’ Pop

  2. So beautiful.  This gives me rise to dream.  To dream of people I know are in Heaven, and to dream for those who still have a chance, on this earth, to choose Heaven as their eternal home.


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