I Declare

By Brenda Jank

Hey my friends, this 125-word declaration has the power to change your life and the lives of those you love.

Consider reading it through twice. First, silently and then again out-loud.

  1.       I will work – rested and empowered.
  2.       I will rest – with joy and delight.
  3.       I will not violate the rest of another.
  4.       I will inventory my bucket and equip others to do the same.
  5.       I will prioritize the habits that shape my soul and fuel my go.
  6.       I will model for others a rest that was not modeled for me.
  7.       I will let God have His way with my guilt and shame.
  8.       I will live loved, live free, live rested, empowered, and sent.
  9.       I will engage in this last surrender. I will give God full access to my time, my energy, my work, and my rest.
  10.       I will champion a life well lived.

Did these declarations capture your heart? This week, this month, take one declaration at a time and turn each one into a prayer. Replace the “I will” with “Lord, let me … “. Grab a notebook and write each one down – then journal your thoughts, bullet your prayers, and go where the Spirit leads. 


Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well. team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at www.RunHardRestWell.org. Contact us at: Brenda@runhardrestwell.org

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