
Jesus Loved Martha

Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5 These words (especially the first three), and the order in which they were written, leaped out and landed in my heart. Thud. I would have expected Mary, Martha’s sister, …

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Easter Begins with Tears in Jesus’ Eyes

Luke 19 reminds us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem the week before he died, he wept. “If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes …

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2020 in Review – What a Year!

I Love New Year’s Eve. My celebration begins days before as I page through my calendar and my memory to pull out nuggets of all the Lord has done this past year … and with it, inventory …

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BEST Christmas Ever

Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic? Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers. List 3 Christmas things that give you great …

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Empty Handed No More

I am a lousy gift-giver. I’m not stingy, just routinely uninspired. Once in a while, however, inspiration and energy collide, and I am giddy with the joy of giving THE perfect gift to someone I love or …

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