

Cells phones. Alarm clocks. Television. Radio. Airplanes overhead and traffic below. The noise surrounding us is hazardous to our health. A.J. Jacobs calls it “the secondhand smoke of the ears.” Silence is something we fill, not something …

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“Christmas Quiet” captures me. “Christmas Chaos” threatens me at every turn. Which will it be this year? Quiet or Chaos? Probably both. This month’s posts are dedicated to the pause and ponder we all long for deep within. These …

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Strength Management

Think on this: We operate in the Spirit through our weaknesses. We run in the power of God through our strengths. God uses us in our weakness. Everyday. No doubt about it. Willingly (like the small boy with 2 fish and …

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A Forever Family

When Josh learned that he was dying, he had a single question for the doctor. “Will I ever be a dad?” Family is important to Josh. His commitment speaks of a deep compassion Josh has for childrenin …

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Man on a Mission

When a person learns that they are dying, it does not mean they are dead or even half-dead. It means they are alive. Their life matters. Each day counts. Purpose and passion take on new meaning. Josh wants his living and …

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Sinner Saint

Well, the Jank crew successfully lived together for a whopping 33 days and 11 hours without a major skirmish. It’s a record by at least 30 days, maybe more. My guess? The whole idea of dying brings out the …

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Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5 These words (especially the first three), and the order in which they were written, leaped out and landed in my heart. Thud. I would have expected Mary, …

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Sweet Spot

A sweet spot. I am in that place—a place where I am intimately aware of the hand that leads and the heart that beats for me, for you. It’s a place of astounding security (held tight), freedom …

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