Empty Handed No More

By Brenda Jank

I am a lousy gift-giver. I’m not stingy, just routinely uninspired. Once in a while, however, inspiration and energy collide, and I am giddy with the joy of giving THE perfect gift to someone I love or someone God lays on my heart.

Imagine the heart of our Father right now. No doubt He is giddy with anticipation for the gifts He has for His children. He is THE Gift Giver of all time and His inspired generosity will take our breath away, if we let it.

The gift of Jesus comes with specially marked gifts for each of us.

A few years ago, in a particularly desperate time, someone sent me the sign “Take What You Need.” It had “rip off” tags that included words like: peace, strength, patience, joy, perseverance, forgiveness …

It reminded of everything God had for me.

This Advent we need to remember one thing about Jesus. He is everything we need.

Wailing, then swaddled, Jesus came.

Victorious, and enthroned, Jesus comes.

Revelation 3:20 reminds us that he comes knocking on our door.

The door of our heart.

The door of our hurt.

The door of our hurry and scurry.

What do you need this Christmas?

Name it out-loud,

and ready your heart to receive.

Don’t be afraid – Luke 1:30
Nothing is impossible with God – Luke 1:37
The Mighty One has done great things – Luke 1:49
Great news of great joy – Luke 2:10
Wonderful Counselor – Isaiah 9:6
Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

That’s not all. There is Hope. Forgiveness. Joy. Passion. Purpose.
The list goes on.
Close your eyes.
Open your heart.
Visit the Bethlehem Babe, and receive.
And don’t you dare walk away empty handed.

What are you asking Jesus for this Christmas?


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