Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5
These words (especially the first three), and the order in which they were written, leaped out and landed in my heart.
I would have expected Mary, Martha’s sister, to be the first one listed. You know, the one who sat at Jesus’ feet.
I raced to Luke 10. Here, I was reminded it was Martha who first initiated the relationship this sibling group of three had with Jesus.
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to them. Luke 10:38
She was a doer. An initiator. A mover and a shaker.
Martha made things happen. Good things.
She saw opportunities, seized the moment, opened doors.
Once Jesus accepted Martha’s invitation, she moved into overdrive. I imagine her home teeming with people. I sense in her a desire to connect others with the One who captured her heart. Martha was on a mission.
Are you?
Am I?
Do I see opportunities? Seize the day? Open doors?
Jesus loved Martha…
He loved her enough to speak hard words to her.
Truth that makes us all squirm, blush, reel.
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42
Words spoke with love … and an invitation to rhythm.
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Run hard. Rest well. launched in March 2013. If this topic grabs your heart, we’d like to encourage you to subscribe to this weekly blog. The information to do so is located on the right hand side of this page. Along the way, we’ve encouraged folks to read the first 12-weeks of posts found in the archives. (But no rush. Go slow.) Start with Week 1 (from March). Each post is numbered and lays an important foundational insight into the life-giving rhythm Run hard. Rest well.
- The site is under construction this summer to compile the e-book, re-vamp the site and prepare to launch out into a broader spectrum of people. We’re excited by what’s ahead.
run hard. rest well.
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