
Jesus Loved Martha

Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5 These words (especially the first three), and the order in which they were written, leaped out and landed in my heart. Thud. I would have expected Mary, Martha’s sister, …

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Protective Custody

And a sword will pierce your own soul, too. Luke 2:35 That’s quite a prediction for a young teen who was up round-the-clock satisfying the hunger pains of the Son of God packaged as her new born babe. …

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On Coffins & the Spirit-Led Life

Jesus is the poster-child for the Spirit-led life. “Out of my league,” is my initial response. He’s God. I’m not. Ask my family. They will verify, in flowing narrative, the degree of my fallen nature. As a …

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Prayerless wonder

Convicted. Again. I am a prayerless wonder. I have learned of yet another Kingdom worker who spends hours (HOURS) on his knees before entering his day. And it shows – in his heart, his hope, his vision, …

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Question: Why rest? I have no time for it. It’s an impossible burden that only leaves me feeling guilty. Love. It’s our most important call. It’s hard work. Sometimes it’s the hardest work of our lives, but in the …

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Has the Lord placed children in your life to love? Train? Disciple? Yours? Others? We have a job to do. Psalm 71:18 speaks to us today. “Even when I’m old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till …

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Dare to Dialogue

Do you have a longing to be a part of some thing powerful and irreversible? I do. I have found this desire is met and satisfied through prayer when my focus is not words, petitions or even praise, but …

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In the name of love

No matter our personality, our upbringing or our recent history we can’t be taken hostage by the demands of this world or even its most desperate needs. We must refuse the chains of guilt and do that …

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The rich young ruler we’ve come to know from Mark 10 was exposed to a “new” truth. Mark 10:17-31. Initially, the “new” truth was too hard for this young man. He turned away and went home sad. (We don’t …

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“New” Truth

Why are we magnetically drawn to some portions of scripture and repelled by others? I think it has to do with our familiarity and comfortability of the verses before us. Growing up, I was taught that “Remembering the Sabbath” …

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