

Planned and unplanned, prayer is a purposeful pause in the Presence of God. It changes our lives, and when God sees fit, the lives of others. Kingdom work. At it’s best. On our knees. P.R.A.Y. When and how …

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Strength Management

Think on this: We operate in the Spirit through our weaknesses. We run in the power of God through our strengths. God uses us in our weakness. Everyday. No doubt about it. Willingly (like the small boy with 2 fish and …

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Exclamation Points

Have you ever noticed the exclamation points in Isaiah 62:10? Go out, go out through the gates; prepare a way for the people! Build it up, build up the highway, clear away the stones! Raise a banner …

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Go Make a Difference

A Bucket List makes memories to last a lifetime. A ‘Go Make a Difference’ (M.A.D.) List shoots for miracles-in-the-making. Our son, Josh, has been compiling a Bucket List this fall, but Josh is much more focused on his M.A.D. …

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A Forever Family

When Josh learned that he was dying, he had a single question for the doctor. “Will I ever be a dad?” Family is important to Josh. His commitment speaks of a deep compassion Josh has for childrenin …

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Week 12: Commitments & Calling

Each season of our life is made up of a unique blend of commitments and calling. Commitments Commitments are the non-negotiable obligations in our life. Some bring great joy, like caring for a long awaited newborn. Some …

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Week 12: Commissioned

You have been commissioned to participate in the Great Commission. So have I. It’s the commission (“go and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19) we are all aware of, but few take seriously. Our fruit is meager. Our …

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Week 12: Convicted!

* 240 people enter this world every minute. 120 people die every minute. And 80 people die without knowing Jesus Christ. By the time you finish reading this blog, 230 people will have died. This statistic makes …

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Week 11: Plan B

I am on retreat today. It is a defensive retreat based on a breaking heart, diminishing returns and the beginning of an intense season of ministry for my family. (We run a Christian summer camp.) My afternoon retreat …

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Week 11: Dacha

Dacha is one of my favorite words. It’s Russian and I was introduced to it in the town of Istra, Russia in January 2012 while speaking on the topics of rest and retreat at a conference for …

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