
True Confessions

“I don’t want to go back to church on Sunday mornings.”I am hearing this from people and pastors alike and it has nothing to do with a fear of exposure to Covid-19. Can you relate?These “true confessions” have …

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A Rest That Works

A Free Retreat for Teachers Thursday – June 25 Calling all teachers, administrators, and school staff  in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan …  Covid-19 has been a time of innovation, heartache, and overload. You have been pouring your …

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Grieving Well

As an eternal optimist, I do not spend much time recognizing, much less feeling the emotions that set the stage for grief work, yet I highly value the refining and restorative power of grieving well. I have …

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Peace & Quiet

Peace and quiet. They go together more then we’d like to admit. The profound absence of quiet in our lives is robbing us of the peace that God promises can and will defy human understanding. Back in …

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New Website Celebration!

Celebrate with us today by visiting the new Run Hard. Rest Well.  Packed to the brim with support and resources, Run Hard. Rest Well. longs to be a breath of fresh air to the warriors, the …

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3 Questions for Today

Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India who was born in 1867 and died in 1951, has insights for us today. God won’t waste our time.He won’t waste our talents.He won’t waste our pain. Covid-19 is revealing an …

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