
You’re Invited!

Do you need a refresher on rest?Do you know someone who needs to be introduced to the life giving message of Restorative Wellness?  A Rest That Works – For Women A FREE Live Webinar with Brenda JankWednesday, …

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As School Starts – Pray!

Teachers need our prayers. School administrators need our prayers now! School leaders are making major decisions that will likely need to be remade in a matter of weeks or months. The weight is monumental – and crushing. Many leaders are …

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Are You Guilt-Driven or Spirit-Led?

Why Rest?In the last months of her life, I met a woman named Kathryn, wife and mother of two lovely young girls. Kathryn was fighting colon cancer. We were both newcomers to a Sunday morning Bible study. …

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That Which Refreshes

Roadblocks Buried in the collective mindset of Western culture and deep within our own hearts is the notion that rest is not an activity for the movers and shakers of this world. Rest is not for the …

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The Price Tag of Rest

There is a price to be paid for our chronic exhaustion. For some people it’s apparent in the here and now: fleeting joy, fragmented relationships. Sometimes it comes and goes: bouts of sleepless nights, depression, illness. Some …

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Covid-19 Hit Hard. Are You Restless and Weary?

by Brenda Jank Collectively and personally, Covid-19 is draining our buckets at a rate few are equipped to replenish.More than once God reminds us that his “arm is not too short” – that he is able. My …

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Sh’mittah and the 4th of July

Sh’mittah is the Hebrew word for Sabbatical Year, a sabbath to the Lord. God ordained, it was to be honored every seventh year. It shows up in four of the five books of the Torah, plus Jeremiah …

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