
Why Are People Not Returning to Worship?

Are people not returning to worship at your church? It’s rampant and it’s common.Since God promises to bring good from all things, let’s seize this reality as an opportunity to mine for gems.What does God have for us …

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Boots on the Ground

We need your help! We need boots on the ground. We need an army of people committed to impacting teens and families THIS FALL in 300 churches and schools. Are you up for the challenge? Run the …

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Sleep: A Holy Ending to a Busy Day

The following is taken from portions of  Tessa Thompson’s blog post Go to Bed for the Glory of God. It is an excellent read!   Sometimes, one of the hardest decisions of the day is when to end …

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The Pivot

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate …

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1 Verse. 3 Goals. Mighty God

Someone asked me if I wanted to be a part of changing the world.My answer was quick and concise. “Yes I do. Sign me up!”She then reminded me that God works in many ways, but that this …

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