
Sabbath Requires Teamwork

By Brenda Jank Sabbath Rest in the 21st century begins with honoring the Commandment and its Creator. We took a look at the first 3 “Codes of Honor” in posts found on August 20, 27 and September …

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Tale of Two Lumberjacks

By Brenda Jank There once were two strong lumberjacks.They both loved to cut down trees more than anything in the world. Early in the morning, The first lumberjack was ready to work.He sharpened his ax and started …

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Rest is not only something God has for me, it is something he wants from me. He wants full claim over my time – my time to work and my time to rest, a rest crafted since …

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A Well-Rested New Year

By Michelle Hoffschneider As we say goodbye to the challenges of the past year, it’s time to pause, reflect, and start the New Year rejuvenated. At RHRW we truly understand the significance of both work and rest. …

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Rhythmic Swing

By Michelle Hoffschneider Most things we experience in life have a complete opposite. Night and Day.Positive and Negative.Happy and Sad.Love and Hate.Rest and Exertion. You can’t have one without experiencing the other; it is a world of …

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Support for the REST of our Lives!

By Brenda Jank Our team at Run Hard. Rest Well.® truly understands the significance of both work and rest. We are constantly inspired by the countless stories we receive from individuals who pour their hearts into plans, …

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Fine Line

“Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.” – Author Unknown There is a fine line between what I can do and what I should do. This is especially true when I am operating in the “red …

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I Declare

Hey my friends, this 125-word declaration has the power to change your life and the lives of those you love. Consider reading it through twice. First, silently and then again out-loud.       I will work …

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Celebrating Empty Buckets

Run Hard. Rest Well.® is not against people working hard or being tired.We celebrate empty buckets!Do you?As God’s people, should be tired at the end of the day, at the end of a week.We have been called …

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Truth Is

Ruth Chou Simons reminds us, “It’s hard to make room for rest when there’s more work to be done.” Most of us are painfully aware that when it comes to rest, we cut corners. We treat rest …

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