
Perchance to Dream

by Joel Hoffschneider “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for …

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A Well-Rested New Year

By Michelle Hoffschneider As we say goodbye to the challenges of the past year, it’s time to pause, reflect, and start the New Year rejuvenated. At RHRW we truly understand the significance of both work and rest. …

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Formula of Change

D x V x FS > R is the Formula of Change and it has grabbed my attention. In my RHRW journey, I have been a student of change. Change is some of the hardest work of …

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THE Leadership Question

  The right question, at the right moment can convict, empower, transform. The opening question from a recent blog post of Dave Kraft made a beeline for my heart. Run Hard. Rest Well. is experiencing a tremendous …

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