
Rule Breaker

I met a nasty deer fly today. The thing was out for blood. Mine! His assault was constant and creative. Relentless, he made my morning walk quite miserable. Do you have an “internal rule” that ruthlessly prevails …

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God on Vacation

A few years ago the Seattle Times carried an article by Shirleen Holt in which was the following: “Nearly ten million Americans worked more than sixty hours a week last year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics …

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Simple Summer Joys

Originally published in June 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day!  Ready for summer?  It’s here – with an invitation to things we often neglect. I’ve got 2 “assignments” for you today. One. If you’ve …

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This last week I had the opportunity to “be there” for a number of hurting people. The cares of this world are often crushing. Few are immune. The following post, a repeat from July 2014, spoke to …

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Of Friendship and Fruit

Recorded in John 15:16, hours away from the slicing sting of a first-century roman whip, Jesus tells his team, “I chose you.” You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might …

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How do I change the direction of this ship? I hate that my life feels like a shipwreck. It probably looks like one, too. If there was ever a shipwrecked soul (apart from me), it was Bill W., …

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March Madness is before us. Much of the madness in our lives is of our own making. It comes from the insidious pull of opportunity. Opportunity knocks and we open the door a few too many times. Stretched thin, …

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Do you love a little person – or a bunch of little people ages 1-18? (They don’t even have to live under your roof.) This post is for you. Think Why do we spend most of our …

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