
Perchance to Dream

by Joel Hoffschneider “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for …

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Plan B

By Brenda Jank A note from Brenda:Fresh from a place of personal turmoil and crisis, the Lord allowed me to stumble across this devotion this pastweek. I wrote it years ago.He knew I needed it.Our daughter is …

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Battle Ready

Only one thing makes us battle ready—a soul at rest. In 2013, my 19-year-old son entered Hospice Care, my 15-year-old son spent seven weeks in the hospital after a benign tumor was removed from his spinal cord, …

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Compassion Fatigue: Life in the Trench

This is the third of a three part series Brenda wrote in the fall of 2017. Some of us are living life “in over our heads” meeting critical needs of others morning, noon, and night. Boundaries blur. …

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Shift the Atmosphere

Rest is physical. Rest is emotional. Rest is mental and spiritual. Rest is a tangible expression of God’s presence. . . In Exodus 33:14 God’s promise to Moses (then – and to us today is. . . …

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Proverbs 8 for 2017

To fully enjoy the brilliance of a morning sunrise or an evening sunset, you have to look – and then pause. So, too, to the brilliance and love of God. Proverbs 8:34-35 invites us to look, listen …

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Fear Not

Fear. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s a trifle, nagging thought. Other times it advances like a relentless, consuming fire. An element of fear is written on every page of the first Christmas story. …

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