Plan B

By Brenda Jank

A note from Brenda:
Fresh from a place of personal turmoil and crisis, the Lord allowed me to stumble across this devotion this pastweek. I wrote it years ago.
He knew I needed it.
Our daughter is living in a restricted country doing what God has called her to do.
She is 14-months in and her joy and the fresh fruit of her labor grow with each passing week.
5 weeks ago we learned that she has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, cancer of the white blood cells.
Her heart’s desire is to stay where she has been called – to live loved, live free, and live sent.
Tests reveal she is Stage II – Unfavorable: an unpleasant term meaning she has a higher rate of early relapse.
Chemo began last week.
Her name and location are not being shared, but God knows who she is, where she lives, what He has called her to be about, and the deepest desires of her heart.
Will you pray for her – for this beautiful, brave, and unafraid 23-year old who is standing on the Rock. For my mama’s heart and hope. For all of us!
May we live loved. Live Free. Live sent.
Every day.

Plan B    

I am an eternal optimist. Some say I am a delusional optimist who is always attempting to create a Plan A. 

Like most people, Plan A sometimes goes flying out the window and we find ourselves living Plan B, C and D.  

Exodus 14 speaks to a “Plan B crisis moment” in the lives of God’s Chosen. 

The Children of Israel had just departed from Egypt with sights set on their new-found freedom.  Exodus 14:1-15 starts out, “Tell the Israelites to turn back…” 

What?!  What?!!   


“God, I liked Plan A. A lot. Plan B was not on my radar or on my Bucket List.”

Much of life is like this and the whiplash can take a lot out of us.

Once we get through the “what in the world?” and the “why God!” – He reminds us in verse 4, “(because) I will gain glory for myself.”

“Okay. Oakay, Lord. Not my first choice, but I am in.”


So what do we take to heart when our Plan A’s turn into Plan B’s?

Proverbs 16:9 speaks into this. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

(This is a loaded truth that sets us up for a complex array of grief, ache, promise, refuge, and hope. It is also an open door to another devotional thought down the road …)

But there’s more for us in Exodus 14.

Despite the Sovereignty and Might of God, the Israelites still fight fear (vs 10).  Very real, very life-sapping fear.  I can relate. 

God’s response is profound and life-rattling…just like God. 

“Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. … The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (vv 13-14)
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Whew. Taking that in.
Be still.
Psalm 46 – Be still … and know.
Knowing God changes everything.
He reminded me today what prayer really is.
To know God and know that I am known by Him.  

By the grace of God, may we enter in and watch God gain Glory for himself.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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