Shift the Atmosphere

Rest is physical. Rest is emotional. Rest is mental and spiritual. Rest is a tangible expression of God’s presence. . .
In Exodus 33:14 God’s promise to Moses (then – and to us today is. . . ) “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
We are not a people who have to go looking for the Presence of God; we already have it. God is alive inside us. You can’t get any more Presence than that. Anything that happens externally is a fabulous bonus, but you don’t actually need it. Who doesn’t want the physical, tangible touch of God on their life? Here is the thing: If you practice rest, (seize it, prioritize it, and make it yours) you will feel the touch of God (and experience the Presence of God!) so much more.

This excerpt comes from Graham Cooke’s book, The Practice of Rest. (The parenthetical additions are mine.)
Check out more from Graham Cooke; he’s spot on, my friends! For a 2-minute, powerful read, begin here.

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