new year

A Well-Rested New Year

By Michelle Hoffschneider As we say goodbye to the challenges of the past year, it’s time to pause, reflect, and start the New Year rejuvenated. At RHRW we truly understand the significance of both work and rest. …

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New Year. New Heart.

By Emily VanDyke God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 New year, new me, right? The New Year often brings with it a sense of responsibility to a new set …

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A New Year’s Invocation

By Brenda Jank This year … As we see God’s hand – may we know His love. As we see His eyes – may we know His delight. As we hear His voice – may we know …

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Protective Custody

By Brenda Jank Speaking to Joseph and Mary in the Temple courts, Simeon ended by looking at Mary and announcing “And a sword will pierce your own soul, too.” Luke 2:35 Double whammy. In 9 words, Simeon makes it …

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Courage for 2022

This past week, someone “double-dog” dared me. It made me laugh out loud and brought back childhood memories. Can I double-dog dare you as we approach the threshold of a New Year? Like last year, Covid-19 will …

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2020 in Review – What a Year!

I Love New Year’s Eve. My celebration begins days before as I page through my calendar and my memory to pull out nuggets of all the Lord has done this past year … and with it, inventory …

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“New” Is a Glorious Word!

John the Baptist has a short, meaty message for our NEW Year. By all outward appearances, John’s life was a short-lived failure. He likely buried his parents while still a child. His living conditions were dismal, at …

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Called to Remember and Reflect

I love the milestone of New Year’s Celebrations. This is “Holy Ground” time for me and my heart. With a journal and pen in hand, I take note of what the Lord has been up to in …

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