
Christmas Returns

Each December God’s people return. We return to The Story. We revisit the manger. Tucked into Luke 8 is an account of Jesus returning to a seaside community where he frequently gathered to teach, reach, help, and …

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Praying With Play-dough

My heart is heavy, heavy. Dear, precious people I know and love are bearing impossible pain, impossible loss, and searing unknowns. I ache with them. I pray for them—and with them, but I am finding words sometimes …

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R.I.P. vs RESTING in Peace

R.I.P is a declaration of death, but what if it becomes a statement – a bold stance for life. With a child in hospice, another facing chronic pain and disability, and my dad battling stage 4 metastasized …

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Prayer Closets and Rock Climbing

Last month I spent 16 days in an unfamiliar hospital 3 hours from our home with my 21-year old son, Joe. Joe was born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. With 20 surgeries and more than 200 nights …

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The Art of “Yes” – The Power of “No”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away …

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Permission Slip!

My dear friends, here are some Permission Slips for you to use. Each one is inspired by the One who loves you, made you, and calls you by name. Jesus says to us today . . . …

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Personal Retreat

In this issue: Do you have questions? Breakthroughs! Free Resource An Encouraging Word Questions/Breakthroughs! Do you have a question, an “ah ha,” a tip, tool, or breakthrough? We are in this together and would love to hear …

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Soul Repair Begins in the Hands of God

Soul repair begins in the hands of God. Two characters from the Mandarin language reminded me of this truth, thanks to a devotion book I am enjoying with two of my sons right now, Noah and Joshua. …

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Easter: A Sign for All Time

Luke 19 reminds us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem the week before he died, he wept. “If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes …

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