My dear friends, here are some Permission Slips for you to use.
Each one is inspired by the One who loves you, made you, and calls you by name.
Jesus says to us today . . .
I give you permission to stop pretending you have it all together.
I give you permission to go to bed without accomplishing everything you had hoped to accomplish.
I give you permission to not give in to other people’s expectations.
I give you permission to take off your mask.
I give you permission to stop making excuses when your house is a mess.
I give you permission to say no to helping out with everything everyone wants you to do.
I give you permission to say no to everything you want to do.
I give you permission to not attempt every project that lives in your head and heart.
I give you permission to take time and make time to embrace the guilt-free REST God has waiting for you to enjoy this week, and every week for the rest of your life.
Note: This post was inspired by a June 10, 2018 facebook post by Kristina Kuzmic
We are a group of passionate people who gather around the 4-word mission statement, “Run Hard. Rest Well.”
- It’s a journey into the heart of God. It comes our way through an on-going exploration of four biblical rhythms that revive, replenish and restore: Sabbath Keeping, Sleep (and other simple stress-reducers), Stillness—personal retreat, and Solitude—personal retreat.
- It’s an expedition that challenges us at every turn. It convicts us in deep, tender places. It alters our priorities and plans. It’s not for the faint of heart.
- It’s adventure at its best – as we learn to run our race in a power not our own.
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