
One Million Miracles

Don’t settle for survival. Pray for revival. Let it begin with you and me. The Holy Spirit leads the way. Brother Luke reminds us in chapter 11:9-13 that when it comes to the Holy Spirit “… everyone …

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2020 An Easter to Remember

The Easter morning story from 2,000 years ago finds some of Jesus’ closest friends in a cemetery, while others were behind locked doors, sheltering in. Each one was unglued. Unsettled. Distraught. Some were hiding. Some moved on …

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A Sabbath Prayer

For more resources on Rest, Rhythm, and the Work of God visit www.runhardrestwell.orgIf you would like a print copy, request one here.

Coronavirus and the Gift of Time

In the midst of … untold financial loss and instability the grief of altered plans fear of the unknown and the stress of the known and the suffering of those who get sick … there is one …

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COVID-19 – Let’s Make a Difference

An unprecedented opportunity is knocking on our door.  As believers in Christ, instead of looking in and allowing fear to reign and rule as COVID-19 spreads, how can we look up, look out, and ask the Lord …

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