
Totality: A 3 Degree Difference

By Brenda Jank Living very close to the Solar Totality Pathway, I was content to remain where I was. I believed that 97 to 98% totality would still be a spectacular sight to behold. I was wrong …

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Perchance to Dream

by Joel Hoffschneider “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for …

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Salvation and Sanctification

Salvation: God brings Heaven to our souls through the free gift of love and grace won for us by Jesus’ death on the cross. This divine salvation, offered to us without any merit on our part, allows …

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It has been a hard go the last couple of weeks, my friends. Our son, Josh, who is in hospice care, lost the ability to swallow. We discovered that Josh has metastasized esophageal cancer. A stent was placed to …

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Lessons from a Fishing Net

This devotional thought, originally published here in June 2016, was written in tandem by Brenda Jank and a friend who serves as a missionary in a sensitive country.  Some people are good at fishing. I’m not! When …

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Lessons from a Fishing Net

This devotional thought was written in tandem by Brenda Jank and a friend who serves as a missionary in a sensitive country.    Some people are good at fishing. I’m not! When my children were little I …

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