
Catch Your Breath

Could you use a shot of Quiet and Calm? Stepping away from the fray opens the door for quiet and calm to have its way within our heart – ushering in curiosity and questions God uses to shape our soul, tend …

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Sleep: A Holy Ending to a Busy Day

The following is taken from portions of  Tessa Thompson’s blog post Go to Bed for the Glory of God. It is an excellent read!   Sometimes, one of the hardest decisions of the day is when to end …

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Empty Handed No More

I am a lousy gift-giver. I’m not stingy, just routinely uninspired. Once in a while, however, inspiration and energy collide, and I am giddy with the joy of giving THE perfect gift to someone I love or …

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A Thanksgiving Heart to Heart

Gratitude alters intimate relationships.  It is a life-giving foundation. It says, in neon lights, “I see you. I recognize who you are and how I am blessed by your life and your love!” Entitlement is ugly.  Indifference …

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From My Heart to Yours

Hello my friend – We have been “meeting” together weekly, through these blog posts, for almost 8 years. I am grateful for you and the journey we are on together. This blog comes in 2 parts: 2020 …

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A Sabbath Prayer

For more resources on Rest, Rhythm, and the Work of God visit www.runhardrestwell.orgIf you would like a print copy, request one here.

Coronavirus and the Gift of Time

In the midst of … untold financial loss and instability the grief of altered plans fear of the unknown and the stress of the known and the suffering of those who get sick … there is one …

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After the Hurricane Hits

This is the first of a three part series Brenda wrote in the fall of 2017. Some of us watched images of TRAGEDY flicker on a screen before us this September as destructive hurricanes tore through the islands of …

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