
Rest in the 21st Century

By Brenda Jank My journey into rest began in 1991. It’s been a roller coaster. Acting out of sheer obedience to the Sabbath Commandment (once I swallowed hard and admitted I had been neglecting it my entire …

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Safe Place

By Brenda Jank Mary did what she needed to do.She packed her bags, made an exit strategy, and left.What do you NEED to do this Christmas?Luke tells us that Mary took to the hills. She went where …

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Salvation and Sanctification

Salvation: God brings Heaven to our souls through the free gift of love and grace won for us by Jesus’ death on the cross. This divine salvation, offered to us without any merit on our part, allows …

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Sing a New Song

By Joel Hoffschneider “But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.” – John 17:13 Driving somewhere, thinking of nothing in particular, …

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Human Limitations

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”Psalm 147:5 God is infinite. We are not.We have limits. He does not.  The first step to combat chronic fatigue is to recognize our needs …

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Spiritual Discipline During Lent

Lent. This is the time of year when many Christians participate in various spiritual disciplines. Some people give up a particular food or commit to rise early to spend more time in scripture. There is a wide …

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By Brenda Jank Hope is a precious, priceless gift each Christmas. For some of us, hope is running low this season.  To shine a light on God’s gift of Hope for each of us this Christmas, think …

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Be a Gift

Don’t give gifts this Christmas. Be a gift – to every person you see, every person you meet. Smile. Hug. Listen. Connect. Serve. Share.  Let’s delight in the Love we’ve been given.    

A Christmas Gift for You

This Christmas we want to help people exchange Christmas Chaos for Christmas Quiet. As a gift to you and your family, follow this link to six Advent Devotions. Short and inviting, these devotions will capture your heart, …

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