
Salvation and Sanctification

Salvation: God brings Heaven to our souls through the free gift of love and grace won for us by Jesus’ death on the cross. This divine salvation, offered to us without any merit on our part, allows …

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The Wonderous Cross… and Tomb

One day I saw a colleague wearing an interesting necklace. It was a wooden arch with a small pebble on the bottom left of the arch. I asked him about it and he shared that it was …

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Easter Begins with Tears in Jesus’ Eyes

Luke 19 reminds us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem the week before he died, he wept. “If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes …

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Coronavirus and the Gift of Time

In the midst of … untold financial loss and instability the grief of altered plans fear of the unknown and the stress of the known and the suffering of those who get sick … there is one …

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What Makes Jesus Weep This Week?

This past Sunday I was in Luke 19, revisiting Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem on the Sunday before his death. As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, …

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