
What God Wants for Christmas

What does God want for Christmas this year? God wants, well, everything.   God is jealous.  We were made for him, but live separate and distant lives. The list, God’s Christmas List, reveals the true measure of his …

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BEST Christmas Ever

Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic? Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers. List 3 Christmas things that give you great …

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Empty Handed No More

I am a lousy gift-giver. I’m not stingy, just routinely uninspired. Once in a while, however, inspiration and energy collide, and I am giddy with the joy of giving THE perfect gift to someone I love or …

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Have a Mary Christmas

What kind of Christmas are you going to have? My heart is set on having a “Mary” Christmas this year. I don’t say this lightly. It will require an attention to the Spirit that will take me …

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Christmas Returns

Each December God’s people return. We return to The Story. We revisit the manger. Tucked into Luke 8 is an account of Jesus returning to a seaside community where he frequently gathered to teach, reach, help, and …

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Open-Heart Christmas

With Christmas only days away, are you feeling distant and depleted? Re-write your story. Begin with today. I have the remarkable opportunity of spending time with a group of teenage girls who gather together for Bible study. …

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