
The Miracle of a Minute

Navigating intense seasons of HARD is like operating with a bucket that has a large hole punched into it. It sets us up for rapid bucket-drain. When this transpires, two things emerge. The people I love the …

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Support for the REST of our Lives!

By Brenda Jank Our team at Run Hard. Rest Well.® truly understands the significance of both work and rest. We are constantly inspired by the countless stories we receive from individuals who pour their hearts into plans, …

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By Michelle Hoffschneider Restorative Wellness is a Community Commitment.  Think of it this way: When boarding a flight before take-off, the flight attendant begins explaining emergency protocols. One familiar reminder is, “In the event of an emergency, …

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Red Flags

By Emily VanDyke This past Saturday, I spent 40 minutes looking for my phone. It was early as I was getting ready to head to a local coffee shop for some much needed quiet. I was desperately …

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I Declare

Hey my friends, this 125-word declaration has the power to change your life and the lives of those you love. Consider reading it through twice. First, silently and then again out-loud.       I will work …

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Celebrating Empty Buckets

Run Hard. Rest Well.® is not against people working hard or being tired.We celebrate empty buckets!Do you?As God’s people, should be tired at the end of the day, at the end of a week.We have been called …

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In the last 8 years, Run Hard. Rest Well.® has impacted over 22,000 people and you are one of them! We have been entrusted with the message “Run Hard. Rest Well.” It’s not our message – not one …

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A Pressing Question

By Brenda Jank 39 days into 2023, the question before us is simple. What are you doing to feed your soul? What is one thing you did last week to refill your bucket? Celebrate. What is one …

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A Rest That Works – Refill Your Bucket

Tuesday – March 15  12:00 to 1:00 EST Webinar Free A collaborative Project with Run Hard. Rest Well., Systems of Care – Allen County, and Thrivent   Are you tired of being tired? Weary of being weary? Nonprofit …

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