

  Thankfulness springs from a heart that RESTS in God.

Provoked and Propelled to Praise

  Two quick questions for today. What provokes and propels you to praise God each week? Sunday worship? Good news? A great song? A beautiful sunset? All things? Think through yesterday and today. How many times did …

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26 Ideas for Holiday Rest

With Thanksgiving in 2 weeks and Christmas in 6, stress begins to mount in many hearts and homes these days. Take the offensive. Be prepared. This is a simple list. Read it fast. Read it slow. Keep …

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THE Leadership Question

  The right question, at the right moment can convict, empower, transform. The opening question from a recent blog post of Dave Kraft made a beeline for my heart. Run Hard. Rest Well. is experiencing a tremendous …

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Great Videos for Teens

Do you know and love a teenager? We currently have three in our lives and under our roof. A single prayer rises up from my soul for each one of them. It’s found in Ephesians 1:17-19. I …

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Toxic Mix

  With my humming bird feeders in need of a thorough cleaning, a little on-line investigation led me to “equal parts vinegar and water” or “1 to 10 parts bleach to water.” I opted for the vinegar …

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Bold and Beautiful

  Bold. When was the last time you ran smack dab into something BOLD? What about BOLD and BEAUTIFUL? Today is your lucky day! The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack. (Psalm 23:1 HCSB) …

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Transformation Requires Tools

  Transformation requires a number of things. # 1 – It requires transparency, a willingness to admit – Something is not right. And . . .  . . . I want something more. # 2 – It …

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It’s All In The Name

  Names are important. Names of people and places are important, but so it naming our sin. Do you do that very often? If I don’t know the name of my besetting sins, I distance myself from …

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Cross Country

  For the first time in my life I flew across the country while not occupying a window seat. More aware of the people around me, I was surprised to discover that the cabin around me was …

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