Team Work

workbootReady to put on your work boots? I’m no longer in this alone. The ranks are swelling. We (we!) have been entrusted with the message “Run hard. Rest well.” It’s not my message – not one ounce of it. The power and beauty of this message testifies to God’s ingenuity and authorship. It’s an invitation to four restorative rhythms.

Have you been on this site long enough to know these rhythms by heart?

Sabbath. Sleep. Stillness. Solitude.

Have you been on this site long enough to know the mission? The vision?

Run Hard. Rest Well. exists to release the power and purpose of rest in the lives of God’s people so that the Kingdom is advanced with a vibrancy found in a strength not our own. When it comes to the four Rhythms of Rest, can you name them? Do you know them? Do you live them? Answering these questions honestly could change your life – and the lives of those around you.

Desiring to prepare this team (you!) for action and impact – I’d like to set into motion a series of blog posts that address your critical questions in the coming months.

As the “rubber hits the road” on this journey…

  • Where do you face the most resistance?
  • How can we cheer each other to the next level?
  • How do we move this from theory to an innovative practice?
  • How do we make rest work through the various seasons of life?
  • How do we set up our lives to receive all that God has for us through the power and
  • purpose of rest?

Part of the vision of this ministry is to make Run Hard. Rest Well. “inviting, accessible, practical, transformational.” Rest is a hot topic. There are plenty of articles and books in circulation. But are we being changed? Transformed? Run Hard. Rest Well., at its core, is about reformation and revolution. It will look different in each life, but the resulting freedom, joy and purposefulness will be red threads woven into each and every heart. A tall order.

I need your help.

In the weeks ahead will you send me questions you have about your own journey, about the journey of those you love, about the journey of a select age group you serve? Drop a line or leave a comment with as many questions as you can come up with. In the months ahead we’ll tackle those questions head on—together. We are ready for this. It will move us all to a new level of growth.


I would love to see a list of 3,000 questions. I want to look for patterns. I want to see and know what issues are most pressing, most challenging, most overwhelming on this journey. Make a list of questions off the top of your head or think about it, either way, send your list my way. (Don’t worry about “duplicate” questions – I want to see if 36 people have the same question or challenge. OK! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!)

Go Make A Difference

Josh’s biggest passion in life is for children – children in need of families and children who are hungry and in need. While Josh was at the Hospice Home in August, he was a part of planting seeds of hope to help feed local families in need. Because of this and the compassionate, determined woman who heard his dream, two farmers and one child donated 11 hogs to hungry families this fall. With meat processing fees, the donation of these farmers exceeds $3,000. Eleven northeast Indiana families now have access to meat for a year! Two fish. Five loaves. Lord, do what You do best—multiply our giving!

First time here?

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