
Totality: A 3 Degree Difference

By Brenda Jank Living very close to the Solar Totality Pathway, I was content to remain where I was. I believed that 97 to 98% totality would still be a spectacular sight to behold. I was wrong …

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Rest is not only something God has for me, it is something he wants from me. He wants full claim over my time – my time to work and my time to rest, a rest crafted since …

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I Declare

Hey my friends, this 125-word declaration has the power to change your life and the lives of those you love. Consider reading it through twice. First, silently and then again out-loud.       I will work …

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What God Wants for Christmas

What does God want for Christmas this year? God wants, well, everything.   God is jealous.  We were made for him, but live separate and distant lives. The list, God’s Christmas List, reveals the true measure of his …

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Personal Retreat

In this issue: Do you have questions? Breakthroughs! Free Resource An Encouraging Word Questions/Breakthroughs! Do you have a question, an “ah ha,” a tip, tool, or breakthrough? We are in this together and would love to hear …

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Vertical Ascent

I’m pulling out the chains and opening up the dungeon door. Fear, this stalking enemy, must be stopped. Contained. Rendered useless. Left to prowl, he will rob me of the joy that is mine – mine for this …

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