

The rich young ruler we’ve come to know from Mark 10 was exposed to a “new” truth. Mark 10:17-31. Initially, the “new” truth was too hard for this young man. He turned away and went home sad. (We don’t …

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Cells phones. Alarm clocks. Television. Radio. Airplanes overhead and traffic below. The noise surrounding us is hazardous to our health. A.J. Jacobs calls it “the secondhand smoke of the ears.” Silence is something we fill, not something …

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The 10-day count down is here. May we be ready for all God is sending our way. Being committed to God’s plan is generally an invitation into the frying pan. After Mary’s encounter with the angel she was surrendered …

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Strength Management

Think on this: We operate in the Spirit through our weaknesses. We run in the power of God through our strengths. God uses us in our weakness. Everyday. No doubt about it. Willingly (like the small boy with 2 fish and …

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Team Work

Ready to put on your work boots? I’m no longer in this alone. The ranks are swelling. We (we!) have been entrusted with the message “Run hard. Rest well.” It’s not my message – not one ounce of it. …

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The Hard Work of Rest

I learned many years ago that resting well is not static. It’s a moving target, constantly evolving. For me, that’s what makes rest hard work. It requires attention, diligence and commitment to the ever changing seasons and chapters of …

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From Limits to Launch

Limits. I hated limits when I was three and had to take a nap. I hated limits when I was ten and couldn’t ride my bike anywhere I wanted. I hated limits when I was a teen and …

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Moments Matter

We’re having the best days of our lives. Intentionality is the mother of love. We are giving time and attention to how we spend the hours of our days. Moments matter. Hospice Care brings that into clear focus. The time …

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I am rarely alone these days. It’s not good. It felt dangerous to be alone this week. When I was, every ounce of bottled emotion released its fury. My throat tightened. My stomach knotted. I forgot how to …

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Vertical Ascent

I’m pulling out the chains and opening up the dungeon door. Fear, this stalking enemy, must be stopped. Contained. Rendered useless. Left to prowl, he will rob me of the joy that is mine – mine for this …

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