
Tis the Season

Tis the season to get outside. Don’t wait. Dawdle. Postpone. Summer comes but once a year. When it’s not celebrated and embraced, regrets run deep. On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, …

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Sleep. It Does a Body Good

Seven weeks in the hospital with my son, Joe, left me wilted and worn. Once home, my fierce commitment to sleep, met stiff resistance against a growing battle with insomnia. The culprit this-time-around? It was not simply …

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How do I get more done? Answer: Work fewer hours. Before you let out a guttural scream, peek at the article below. I think you’ll enjoy this article by Sean Kim (March 11, 2014) as much as …

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Two Truths for Hard Times

The question at hand – How do I rest when the bottom falls out? Two truths will take us far. This week I have had to live them. Most of you know our son, Josh (20), is …

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Men and Women

The question before us: Do men and women rest differently? Yes we do—just like men and women do just about everything differently. My husband, Tim, played an integral part in teaching me about rest. It was not an …

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Question: Why rest? I have no time for it. It’s an impossible burden that only leaves me feeling guilty. Love. It’s our most important call. It’s hard work. Sometimes it’s the hardest work of our lives, but in the …

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How do I change the direction of this ship? I hate that my life feels like a shipwreck. It probably looks like one, too. If there was ever a shipwrecked soul (apart from me), it was Bill W., …

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March Madness is before us. Much of the madness in our lives is of our own making. It comes from the insidious pull of opportunity. Opportunity knocks and we open the door a few too many times. Stretched thin, …

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In the name of love

No matter our personality, our upbringing or our recent history we can’t be taken hostage by the demands of this world or even its most desperate needs. We must refuse the chains of guilt and do that …

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A Sense of Failure

Tucked within the overload of our lives is a lurking assailant that makes quick work of our joy and hope. It’s the incessant feeling of failure, whether it’s real or perceived. Ever been there? It’s about done me …

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