
Toxic Mix

  With my humming bird feeders in need of a thorough cleaning, a little on-line investigation led me to “equal parts vinegar and water” or “1 to 10 parts bleach to water.” I opted for the vinegar …

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Bold and Beautiful

  Bold. When was the last time you ran smack dab into something BOLD? What about BOLD and BEAUTIFUL? Today is your lucky day! The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack. (Psalm 23:1 HCSB) …

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Transformation Requires Tools

  Transformation requires a number of things. # 1 – It requires transparency, a willingness to admit – Something is not right. And . . .  . . . I want something more. # 2 – It …

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I Killed a Butterfly

  I single-handedly killed, not one, but at least a dozen butterflies yesterday. A dozen! I winced over each one. Never before in 24 years had I seen so many butterflies in the first two miles from …

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Table for Two

  The third faith-factor we learn from Jesus’ time with His Father is: God’s Word was Foundational. When Jesus was alone in the desert, he fasted. I can imagine his stomach groaning in protest. It had to …

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The Holy Spirit on Retreat

  The second faith-factor we learn from Jesus’ time with His Father is: the Holy Spirit was active throughout. The third and fourth chapters of the Gospel of Luke bear testimony to the power of the Holy …

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Quiet Place

  Away to a Quiet Place What does this mean for us today? First, Jesus went away to quiet places. The value of getting away to a quiet place can’t be underestimated. For Jesus, the desert (as …

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  The logo WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) became popular in the 1990’s. Adding a twist to that question, I believe it’s also appropriate to ask ourselves, “What did Jesus do?” or WDJD? The answer to this …

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Rule Breaker

I met a nasty deer fly today. The thing was out for blood. Mine! His assault was constant and creative. Relentless, he made my morning walk quite miserable. Do you have an “internal rule” that ruthlessly prevails …

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God on Vacation

A few years ago the Seattle Times carried an article by Shirleen Holt in which was the following: “Nearly ten million Americans worked more than sixty hours a week last year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics …

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