
Quiet Place

This is part 3 of a 7-part series on Personal Retreats that Brenda wrote for Everyone a Missionary in 2007. We also ran this series in 2016. Click here if you would like to start at the beginning of the series. Away to …

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What DID Jesus Do?

This is part 2 of a 7-part series on Personal Retreats that Brenda wrote for Everyone a Missionary in 2007. We also ran this series in 2016. Click here if you would like to start at the beginning of the series.   The …

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R.I.P. vs RESTING in Peace

R.I.P is a declaration of death, but what if it becomes a statement – a bold stance for life. With a child in hospice, another facing chronic pain and disability, and my dad battling stage 4 metastasized …

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Shift the Atmosphere

Rest is physical. Rest is emotional. Rest is mental and spiritual. Rest is a tangible expression of God’s presence. . . In Exodus 33:14 God’s promise to Moses (then – and to us today is. . . …

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The Art of “No” – The Power of “Yes”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away …

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The Art of “Yes” – The Power of “No”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away …

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From the Mountain Tops!

The phone call was familiar and affirming. After hearing a woman’s beautiful, “Run Hard. Rest Well.” story of transformation, she sighed deeply. “Brenda, if we (the church) don’t learn how to rest, we’re going to self-destruct. Keep …

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