
Celebrating Empty Buckets

Run Hard. Rest Well.® is not against people working hard or being tired.We celebrate empty buckets!Do you?As God’s people, should be tired at the end of the day, at the end of a week.We have been called …

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New Year. New Heart.

By Emily VanDyke God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 New year, new me, right? The New Year often brings with it a sense of responsibility to a new set …

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What God Wants for Christmas

What does God want for Christmas this year? God wants, well, everything.   God is jealous.  We were made for him, but live separate and distant lives. The list, God’s Christmas List, reveals the true measure of his …

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The Art of “No” – The Power of “Yes”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away …

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