
All in the Family

By Joel Hoffschneider The ancient season that we know as Epiphany was awash with the frantic activity of Wisemen, gifts, dedication, and an unexpected move to Egypt. Holding on bravely in this storm of activity was Mary. …

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Safe Place

By Brenda Jank Mary did what she needed to do.She packed her bags, made an exit strategy, and left.What do you NEED to do this Christmas?Luke tells us that Mary took to the hills. She went where …

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The Most Unstable Stable

By Joel Hoffschneider “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been …

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Protective Custody

By Brenda Jank Speaking to Joseph and Mary in the Temple courts, Simeon ended by looking at Mary and announcing “And a sword will pierce your own soul, too.” Luke 2:35 Double whammy. In 9 words, Simeon makes it …

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Smaller Than I Thought

By Dr. Nate Lowe, President of the Run Hard. Rest Well. Board of Directors and professor at Indiana Wesleyan University Each year at Christmas time I latch onto some concept that has never occurred to me before.  …

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Christmas Through the Eyes of Mike and Mary

“Look, Mommy, we’re playing Mike and Mary.”  Anna and Noah had their heads covered with baby blankets.  “I’m holding baby Jesus.” One of Anna’s baby dolls was wrapped in a blue blanket. Noah grinned and cocked his …

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2020 An Easter to Remember

The Easter morning story from 2,000 years ago finds some of Jesus’ closest friends in a cemetery, while others were behind locked doors, sheltering in. Each one was unglued. Unsettled. Distraught. Some were hiding. Some moved on …

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“New” Is a Glorious Word!

John the Baptist has a short, meaty message for our NEW Year. By all outward appearances, John’s life was a short-lived failure. He likely buried his parents while still a child. His living conditions were dismal, at …

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Have a Mary Christmas

What kind of Christmas are you going to have? My heart is set on having a “Mary” Christmas this year. I don’t say this lightly. It will require an attention to the Spirit that will take me …

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