
BEST Christmas Ever

Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic? Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers. List 3 Christmas things that give you great …

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The Unopened Gifts of Christmas

It is a rare thing for a wrapped Christmas gift to remain unopened for very long. Yet, Christmas after Christmas, untold gifts from Heaven remain unclaimed and unopened. Would you like to claim your Christmas treasure this …

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Fear Not

Fear. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s a trifle, nagging thought. Other times it advances like a relentless, consuming fire. An element of fear is written on every page of the first Christmas story. …

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What’s in a Name?

This post comes from Beth Ortstadt, who writes from Wichita, Kansas, where she will be spending a quiet Christmas with her family. Have you had an opportunity to enjoy a display of artwork at a local elementary …

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When Guilt Threatens the Gift

This post comes from a Christmas Letter written 8 years ago when we were in the THICK of Calendar Overload. Noah (7) yelled wildly from our downstairs family room, “I found him. I found him!” “Who?” I …

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Cells phones. Alarm clocks. Television. Radio. Airplanes overhead and traffic below. The noise surrounding us is hazardous to our health. A.J. Jacobs calls it “the secondhand smoke of the ears.” Silence is something we fill, not something …

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“Christmas Quiet” captures me. “Christmas Chaos” threatens me at every turn. Which will it be this year? Quiet or Chaos? Probably both. This month’s posts are dedicated to the pause and ponder we all long for deep within. These …

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