Sabbath Rest – The Sky’s the Limit

By Brenda Jank

What does Sabbath rest look like in the 21st century?

It has a lot to do with honor. Four things come to mind. Here’s Number Two. 

#2 Honor its Maker

Recognize that the Sabbath is a day made by God, for God and given to us as a means to remember who He is, who we are, and what He longs for us to know and enjoy. It is a day with a singular purpose–to rest well in the company of God so that we are recharged, refreshed, and refueled for the week before us (Exodus 23:12).

Leviticus 23:1-3 reminds us that group worship is a part of Sabbath keeping, but it’s not the only ingredient God uses to refresh our souls.

How are you best refreshed by God?

Do you know?

Feel free to think inside the box.

Is it quiet time off the beaten path? Large group worship? Getting outside? In-depth Bible study? Music? Praying with a friend?

Feel free to think outside the box. 

What might that look like?!

Dancing. Rock climbing. Singing out loud. Canoeing. Drawing. 

Fishing. Kite flying. An extended time of prayer. A road trip to a new place.

The sky’s the limit.

And so are the blessings of meeting with God on our day set apart for Him.


Fall 2024 Event Dates

Are you tired of being tired? Is your team? Your pastor? Your friends? We have 6 opportunities for you to take part in A Rest That Works this October in Northeast Indiana. Join us! We would love to have you. Each cost varies depending on the amount of sponsorship we were able to secure.

  • Friday, October 11 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana . . . . .Ministry Event
         9:00 – 11:15 AM
         1:00 – 3:15 PM
  • Thursday, October 17 in Albion, Indiana . . . . .  Community Event
         9:00 – 11:00 AM
         1:30 – 3:30 PM
  • Tuesday, October 29 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana . . . . . Community and Ministry Event
    9:00 – 11:00 – Community Event
    1:00 – 3:30 – Ministry Event

Learn More and Register here  

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Note: This post is Post #12 of our original series on Rest, Rhythm, and Restoration. We are reposting some of our favorite articles because we believe they’re just as important today as ever. We hope you’re challenged to think of rest in a fresh, new way and that you will cast the vision and invite others to join in on this life-giving journey.


Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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1 thought on “Sabbath Rest – The Sky’s the Limit”

  1. Bren,

    Just now read a great email from your daughter in China, opening her heart to us about the new challenges God sets before her. She is a mighty witness in Jesus’ hands.

    Love you, Pop


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