Praying for Those Who Are Winded

The eyes of those around us speak volumes. Do you know and love someone who is weary? Have you seen their eyes? Do you know their ache? Consider using this prayer as a launching pad to go before the Throne of Grace on their behalf. It also might be a prayer we pray, today, for ourselves.

This prayer comes from one of my favorite resources for diving in deep. It comes from Sylvia Gunter’s Prayer Portions. . . seeped in Scripture and centered on Christ, it is a fabulous tool that will serve me in the “secret place” for years to come. The prayer below comes from “Why Know the Father’s Heart,” Prayer Portions, page 47, © 1991 by Sylvia Gunter.

But first, were you able to go on a personal retreat in the last few weeks? Or, did you enjoy the simple “power of an hour” with God? We would love to hear your stories! If you’re willing, we’d like to use them to encourage others along the way. Send note to or feel free to share them in the comments below.

Abba, I come alongside _______ and lift them into Your presence.

Father, ________ is tired and needs Your divine strength, because they are running at the edge of their endurance. Heal and strengthen them body, soul, and spirit. Foil Satan’s plans to attack in physical and emotional areas that are vulnerable. Let their roots tap deeply into You and enable them to keep on keeping on in the demands on them. Lighten their steps; let them mount up with wings as an eagle, as they wait on You. Reveal any sin that is hindering them, and speak to their heart, as You draw them closer to You. Give them grace for today, and then tomorrow give a whole new supply of Your provision of Yourself. Give them Your sweet presence each moment, and let them feel secure in You. When they don’t know the outcome of their situation, show them that in You it is safe not to know, because You are good.

Please give _______wisdom and understanding, so that they will take only Your yoke and make only the plans that agree with Your divine purposes. Grant them Your favor and blessing. Increase their confidence in Your ability and presence at work in their lives to evict all fear and doubt.

Father, overcome _______’s fears with Your perfect love. Heal ________ where there is pain and hurt. Give them a breakthrough in the situations closest to their hearts, the ones that have wearied them most. Touch and restore the places that have been bruised and shut down. Open them up to new trust in You. Press through walls of disappointment, self-protection, separation, and pain. Minister reconciliation, so that all relationships might enjoy Your unity and sweet fellowship. Release Your fresh touch into each life that has claim upon their spiritual, emotional, and practical responsibility.

We come to Your cross and hide there from all stresses and pressures. Your glory outshines all the plans of the enemy to oppress _______. Mighty Warrior, reveal the real battle that they are up against. Let them rest in You, and stand steadfast, and see that the battle is the Lord’s. Let no fiery arrows pierce their safe place in Your refuge. Give them confidence that no weapon formed against them will prosper.

Place _______ in the refreshing stream of Living Water flowing from Your throne. Refresh them each moment in Jesus. Make them oaks of righteousness planted by streams of water, whose leaves do not wither. Bless them according to Your perfect will, as You watch over their way. Show them Your power and the glory of Your great love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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4 thoughts on “Praying for Those Who Are Winded”

  1. I have prayed this prayer for many today. Somehow I can’t seem to pray it for myself. Winded? And then some. Have I been able to come away and rest? Another story. For me, in my mind, my box, my thoughts, I see a field, shaded and grassy, with a clear stream running through it. Yes, that is my box. It’s not attainable. The problem for me with the places, is that I take me with me and that just messes things up. This week has been a coming away of sorts. I have found hope as I have felt a bit better and could make some positive choices. I have been able to reach into the Word and find comfort from the Spirit. A gleaning of understanding. A reminder of Who He is, what He has done, what He is doing even now, even today. The body is weary, fragile, vulnerable. But there is something else there. It is a getting out of me…..where I am, what is happening….and seeing, and even more desiring, to place Jesus as Lord in my life. It’s putting aside those mirrored glasses and seeing Jesus. The Lord is good. He is greatly to be praised. Were I to choose healing, health, activity, I would be choosing second best….second rate. I choose Jesus.

    • I applaud you for your post. To be honest, I wrote something similar but deleted it. That’s one step further than being unable to pray that prayer for oneself, don’t you think?! I, too, have very serious health problems and have found an elevated life because of my awareness of how precious life is … and because of the closeness I feel with Jesus. The group Kutless has a song called Even If. I think you would relate to it. It has become my theme song! Isn’t our God good?!
      I am grateful for this blog and the perspectives it offers. When I was teaching online graduate classes at Concordia Chicago, a student who had absolutely no idea how ill I was, gave me the link to the blog. I can no longer work but I am grateful for that student mentioning this blog. It is one of those that offer some meaningful food for thought and prayer.

      • Hi there – Yes, God is so very good and he reminds us just how extensive his love is … through people (and a blog recommendation) and songs God sends our way.
        “Even If” is powerful. Thank you. The reminder of it, is calling me to send it on to some people I love.
        There is a ruggedness to illness that few taste day in and day out. It changes us.
        And by his grace, molds us into his image, even through our broken bodies and withering spirits.
        Thank you for writing. For sharing your heart. We’re not alone.
        It would be a blessing to stay in touch.

    • Betty — wheww!
      “Were I to choose healing, health, activity, I would be choosing second best….second rate. I choose Jesus.”
      Those words preach a thousand sermons.
      Those words speak of your greatest love and passion.
      You are a treasure!


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