Flourishing Families, Thriving People
No matter how healthy or dysfunctional, family is the first place we are loved and the first place we are wounded. Covid-19 is bringing families back home—for meals, evenings, weekends, and 24/7 togetherness. Others of us are isolated, home alone day after day. These new realities create an opportunity to build practices into our lives that bring the best out of all of us. How do we avoid dark places of despair? How to we maximize the love and minimize the wounding? In a world that is draining our bucket dry, attention must be given to bucket-filling priorities. For life, liberty, and the pursuit of sanity, sign up for short, weekly articles and how-to resources to use and share. Sign up for blog updates in the footer below.
- Packed with insights and ready to use tips, visit Restoring Margin – Embracing Life.
Parents and Caregivers
- Mom’s Guide to Sabbath Rest
- For Parents of High-needs children
- Caring for the Caregiver
- Sleep: A Holy Ending to a Busy Day
5 Alive to Thrive
As a family, we have posted on our refrigerator these new, daily, marching orders: Practice kindness. Create connection. Cultivate quiet. Be creative. Get outside.
- Practice kindness
- Learn to like those you love.
- Make a difference every day.
- Create connection
- Enjoy this 13-minute Brené Brown interview from March 29, 2020.
- Call neighbors, older adults, and long lost friends.
- Write letters and pop them in the mail.
- Cultivate Quiet
- Spend five minutes outside every day.
- Light candles.
- Take time to grieve.
- Rediscover Jesus.
- Be creative
- Start making Christmas presents. Make music. Create beauty. Laugh out-loud. Play.
- Write the story of your life.
- Pick 5-10 influential people and share one story of how that person impacted your life. At the end of the story, in a single sentence, thank them for the gift they gave you.
- Get outside
- Read Take Two Pine Trees and Call Me in the Morning.
- Buy a kite, a hammock, a bike, or a good pair of walking shoes. Put them to use.
- Create an outside photo diary. Celebrate the coming of spring.
- Fill your neighborhood with chalk art. Blow bubbles. Plant flowers.
One Million Miracles
Everyday acts of kindness transform neighborhoods and communities. Despite social distancing, Covid-19 is highlighting the power of connection. Inspire your people to creatively make a difference in the lives of others every day. As you hear stories, use this photo to share highlights of love-in-action. As we pray for One Million Miracles for this Front Line Fight, are your people Battle Ready?